Your website is still the hub of your online business. It’s where all traffic should be sent from social media, guest blog posts, pay per click advertising, social networking, (off line and on). Once the traffic gets to your website though, your audience needs to know what to do next, otherwise they’re not going to be converted to a real lead.
Optimize Your Landing Pages
In reality most people do not find your website and get taken to your “home” page. Well, you hope not. You really want people finding your site through various landing pages that you will create based on where you are posting links back to your site, whether that is social media, guest blog posts, or pay per click advertisements.
Focus on the Visitor of One
Your landing pages should be optimized with the visitor in mind. That way you can speak directly to the type of client who would go to a particular website or blog, read your article, then click through to your site. Plus, it’s going to make it easier to find out if your efforts are working if you can easily tell where your traffic is originating.
Provide Enough Information for Your Visitors
People shop differently today than they used to. Today, people identify a need, then they do research before they ever talk to a single sales person, about the products they want. They go to the Internet, search for the product, or ask a question based on their problem — then after they find the answers, and they look at many variations of answers, then and only then do they get into buying mode. Be informative and educational.
Focus on Benefits Over Features
You’ve heard it said before, people care about what’s in it for them and that is still true. When you are giving your audience information it should be focused only on them and what they want and need, not on you or how you’ll do it. They don’t care. They really just want to know how they can fix their issues and solve their problems and they want to know and trust that what you’re offering will work.
Put Your Signup Form in Multiple Areas
Don’t only put your sign up form in one spot on your website. Put them at the end of blog posts, articles and other information. Put sign up forms in your check out process. Whenever you can find a way to get people to sign up to receive more information you should do it. It might seem like more work to put a sign up form at the end of your blog posts but with the right plugin you can make sure it happens automatically.
Finally, make sure that everything you do focuses on your target audience so that the visitors you bring to your site are the right audience. That way, if you choose to offer a free gift for signing up for your newsletter only your target audience will want it. Plus, once you collect the information for the lead, always follow up. That’s the only way the lead will become a customer.